FDA 510(k) Clearance

510(k) Submission Preparation:

How to Build a Submission Package & Get FDA Clearance to Market

(On-site or Virtual Private Group/Company Training)

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Date: Your Choice

Location: On-site or Virtual

Who: Your entire company, department, project team, you select

Medical device 510(k) experts will teach and provide an understanding of how to get a device requiring a 510(k) submission to market quickly with minimal or no delay. You have heard the horror stories, now you can find out how to prevent them from happenning to you. Knowing when and how to properly submit a 510(k) for a device or change to a device is critical to the regulatory and financial health of a company and has not become any easier. Getting the 510(k) submission through the FDA review process as quickly as possible is financially and competitively critical to most companies. The instructors will describe the submission process and the submission package required by the FDA for successful submissions. Learn from their experience having sucessfully submitted numerous 510(k) submissions for a wide variety of medical devices. You will learn about trends and new policies, including FDA's Refuse to Accept (RTF) and E-copy Policies. Approximately 30% of submissions are refused on the first submission! The instructors will discuss a real life 510(k) submission example and will provide an understanding of the common pitfalls, delays, and possible preventative measures. Also they will discuss the type of activities a company can pursue while waiting for submission clearance and what type of risks taken in doing so. We will be discussing submissions and techniques that apply to a wide variety of devices including disposable, reusable, sterile, non-sterile, IVD, and electrical, including software controlled devices.

Be sure to reserve your date now!